Thomas ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ Bear Blog


Sometimes, teams favor deploying reverse proxies in front of their application servers or even their kubernetes clusters.

In order for an application to support being reverse proxied, here are a few additional considerations [1]:

The effect of ProxyPreserveHost

ProxyPreserveHost is an Apache httpd directive which passes the Host: line from the incoming HTTP request to the proxied host.

This is important because sometimes, apps use this Host: header to understand its hostname. And this hostname may in turn be used in places such as (1) links to internal web resources, or (2) SAML SSO authentication. Therefore an incorrect hostname could result in a broken application.

As shown above, the reverse proxy makes an HTTP GET requst on behalf of the client. In this GET request, the HTTP header Host: webapp:5000 is used.

When ProxyPreserveHost On, the same Host: HTTP header sent from the client is used (even though it does not match the hostname of the URL in the GET request).

Running an experiment

To verify the above, we can run a quick experiment. Running docker-compose up --build with this code will start a Flask webapp and an Apache httpd reverse proxy. The webapp simply prints out "Hello World!" and the contents of the HTTP GET Request to the browser.

When ProxyPreserveHost Off:

When ProxyPreserveHost On:


Reverse proxies add an extra level of indirection, which slightly complicate the debugging of application issues. Using the forbidden techniques of print() (as well as investigating logs) may help you peer into the proxy's operations and how it affects the app.


[1] A simple reverse proxied app can function without these features. However more complex reverse proxy + app deployments may run into issues.
